H a h a what shsl Clutz? You don’t know how but everytime you feel yourself falling, everytime you feel yourself about to bump into something you just feel yourself being held by a certain green haired boy who you call your boyfriend Hoshi loves it when you gain confidence and do what you love regardless of your talent, at times you may be pushed down by others but he’s always got a hand out to help you back up and to encourage you to not give up on your passions Rantaro So when people tease you about it he personally talks to them, at times when you see these people again they stay at least 5 meters away from you that is except Kokichi since he is constantly teasing you about it He doesn’t want you to feel bad for your talent literally almost wrote quirk and not talent H A he just wants you to be happy and be a good partner for you He wouldn’t make you feel bad or tease you, simply just help you back on your feet whenever you need it He would honestly just be chill about it.

He always seems to be there whenever you need it. You sometimes feel like he’s your mum and not your partner but that just makes you fall more for him…literally at times